Inspiration and Project Ideas from Glue Dots®

Flower Cabochon Necklace

Written by Melanie East | May 2, 2017 11:40:00 AM

Who would have thought jewelry projects could be so easy? Forget the messy glue and substitute Glue Dots® as the adhesive in this beginner necklace craft.

Made by: Melanie East
Time: 10 minutes
Level: Beginner
Size: 12-24”

Here's what you need:

Here's what you need

Apply a Glue Dots Advanced Strength Dot to the back of the flower cabochon.

Apply another Advanced Strength Dot to the flat portion of the charm.

Press the flower cabochon to the flat portion of the charm.

Use the jewelry pliers to open the jump ring. Thread the jump ring to the top of the charm.

Place the jump ring on the necklace chain and close the jump ring with the jewelry pliers.

Experiment with different cabochons and charms to create unique jewelry pieces.

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