4th of July - Patriotic Crafts

American Flag Front Door Decor

Who doesn't love new front door decorations?! This one is perfect for summer and the Fourth of July, because it's so fast and easy to make!

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Designed by: Robyn

Time: 15 minutes

Level: Quick and Easy

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  • Craft Dots™
  • Scissors
  • 8 x 10 or larger picture frame.
  • Red, white, and blue ribbon
  • Red cardstock


Take the glass and backing out of your frame. Cut your ribbon the length of the frame horizontally.

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Adhere each end of the red and "white" ribbon to the back side of your frame using Craft Dots. Alternate ribbons until the inside of the picture frame is full. (I overlapped mine on the back to ensure that there weren't any gaps.) Replace the backing to the frame. 

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Turn your project over. Using your blue and white ribbon, make a flower or star and place on top left corner with your Craft Dots.

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Cut out a red heart from your cardstock (or use a different material if you like) and adhere to the middle of the star/flower with Craft Dots.

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Cut a longer strip of ribbon and attach to each end of the top of the frame (to hang from a wreath hanger) and hang on the door!

So easy, fun and festive! You can't go wrong with this red, white, and blue project!

~ Robyn