Inspiration and Project Ideas from Glue Dots®

Kid Craft: Hanging Flowers

Written by Danielle Hunter | Oct 3, 2018 3:09:00 PM

Brighten up any room with these hanging flowers! Kids can practice fine motor skills and create something beautiful at the same time.

Designed by:  Danielle Hunter

Time: 1 hour

Level:  Quick and Easy

Size: 3 x 3” (each flower)


Here's what you need:

  • XL Dots™
  • Glue Squares®
  • 1” circle punch
  • 3x3” flower die cut or template
  • Scissors
  • 12 1’ long strips of fabric scraps
  • Cardstock (assorted colors to match fabric) 
  • Yarn 

Here's what you do:

Cut out 12 of each of the following: flowers; 1 ½ x ½”cardstock strips; and 1" circles.

Create a knot at the end of a fabric strip and place in center of XL Dot. Twist and adhere strip around knot until entire XL Dot is covered with fabric.

Remove backing from XL Dot and attach to 1” circle. Apply a second XL Dot to the back of the circle.

Attach your fabric flower to center of your large paper flower.

Create a hanging loop for the back of each flower by applying 2 Glue Squares to each end of the 1 ½ x ½” cardstock strip and then attaching it to the back of flower.

Insert a 3’ long piece of yarn through the loop and tie a knot.

Repeat Steps 2-5 for each flower.

Group flowers together and knot them together. Hang as desired.

