This cute craft can be made with supplies from Walmart. For our project, my daughters wanted to make name signs, but the different design possibilities are endless, let your kids have free reign so their creativity can really flow!
Made by: Amanda Tibbitts and her 2 girls
Time: 45 mins
Level: Quick and Easy
Here's what you need:
- Glue Dots® Glue Lines
- Cardstock
- Embroidery floss
- Pencils
- Eraser
- Scissors
- Paper trimmer
- Small hole punch
Here's what you do:
Have each child pick the color of cardstock they want. With the paper trimmer, cut the paper in half. Then have them draw their name, the dog’s name, a flower, or whatever they’d like.
Pick a few colors of embroidery floss. Begin measuring the pencil marks with each of the colors. Cut three or more pieces of floss to fill in the design.
Place a Glue Line across the first letter or shape of the design. You don’t need to add Glue Lines across the entire surface of each letter; just a few should be good coverage.
Continue covering the design with floss and glue until it’s filled in to your liking. Erase any pencil lines that didn’t get covered. Using the hole punch, make a hole in each upper corner and run some doubled–up floss through the holes to make the a hanger.
Once finished, the kids may want to make a few to have in their rooms, or the kitchen, or for holidays. They really can do anything their heart desires and their boredom may subside long enough for Mom to get some laundry switched!
~ Amanda

I began crafting in 1996 and simply fell in love with making my own cards. Long live snail mail! Crafting isn’t just a hobby for me, but a way of life… Teacher gifts, posters, scrapbooks, wood crafts? Yes, please! I have been married to my cute husband for 16 years and he definitely inspires me to try new things and enjoy the little things. As a stay home Mom, my time is spent raising my two girls, and raising the bar for my gift giving!