I love looking back and remembering the Christmas seasons with our family from previous years. By making some keepsake ornaments, I can reminisce about my kids' handwriting while they are little or of the other fun things they make for me. So here is a little keepsake ornament your kids can make for the Christmas holiday.
Designed by: Robyn
Time: 15 minutes plus oven time
Level: Quick and Easy
- Permanent Glue Squares®
- ornament shaped tiles
- sharpies
- hooks
- ribbon
Wash your tiles and remove them from the backing they come on.
Draw your designs or pictures on the tiles. Let them dry.
Bake the tiles (to set the marker in):
- Place tiles on a sheet and place in oven while it is cold - no preheating!
- Set oven to 425 degrees and bake for a half hour.
- Turn off the oven and let them cool in the oven.
Place a Permanent Glue Square on the metal hook.Adhere to the back of the tile.
Tie a ribbon on the hook and hang on the tree!
These are perfect for gifting to grandparents, teachers, friends, family members or just fun for your kids to make. You can make them yourself and draw some more elegant swirls, or just have the kids make them as keepsake ornaments. Either way, they are super fun and easy to make!
~ Robyn

Hi! I’m Robyn and blog over at Create it. Go! I live in beautiful Northwest Arkansas and love being outside. I’m a mom to five fun, crazy kiddos that I love, ranging in age from 16 down to 4. And I’m a wife to a man that I love laughing wtih! I love to create. I love papercrafting, working with wood, upcycles, repuposes, and DIY’s, crafting anything in general, trying out new recipes, sewing, photography, you name it! I also like to pick up a good book and ignore those dishes and laundry that never seem to go away. haha My life is never boring and can almost always use some re-balancing and simplifying. It’s not perfect, but I love it!