Update this classic clothespin ornament and save little fingers from hot glue burns with Craft Glue Dots®. Quick and easy, this project will bring miles of smiles during the month of December. A classy ornament that will come together in a jiffy. This reindeer ornament is a great for kids at school and nursery school festivities, and at home!
Made by: Dawn Mercedes Barrett
Time: 10 minutes plus drying time
Level: Beginning
Size: 6" x 1"
Here's what you do:
- Glue Dots® Craft Dots™
- 3 non-spring clothespins
- Americana acrylic paint: Lamp Black
- Small red pompom
- 2 medium sized gogglie eyes
- Brown pipe cleaner
- Holly sprig
- Small container for paint
- Wax paper
- scissors
Here's what you do:
Fill a small container with black acrylic paint. Dip the prong ends of two reindeers into the paint. Allow to dry on wax paper.
Use Craft Dots to secure the reindeer nose, eyes and holy sprig on the unpainted clothespin and set aside.
When the black paint is dry, use Craft Glue Dots ® to secure them together. Cut 1” piece of paper cleaner. Fold in half and secure it to the back end of the reindeer.
Use Glue Dots ® to add the head onto the reindeer.
Tip: Give kids a choice of red or black reindeer noses. If doing this as a school craft, prepaint the black hooves before the start of the party to eliminate drying time and wet paint.

Dawn Mercedes Barrett is a designer who enjoys juggling a number of activities. Whether it is creating a card or object for home decor, whipping up a batch of fresh cookies for kids that drift through the house, or learning to enjoy the rigors of strengthening her body through running, she is your go-to crafter for help, ideas, and encouragement. Who says you (or your style) have to grow old and moldy? Dawn’s up beat style and silly comments will keep you smiling and chuckling.