Designer Samantha Taylor returns with a cute addition to the home just for her and her husband!
I decided to use Glue Dots® new Advanced Strength adhesives to create a place where my husband and I could pass love notes back and forth.
Here is what you need:
- Advanced Strength Double-Sided Sheets
- Advanced Strength Dispenser (I used a mix of both)
- An empty frame (mine was painted with the word "amor", but you can paint it however you like)
- Felt or fabric
- A decorative mini clothespin
Here's what you do:
Since my frame did not have a back to it, I cut a back from chipboard. Place a sheet of Advanced Strength adhesive on your chipboard or on the back of your frame. Make the adhesive the same size or slightly larger than your frame opening. Stick a piece of felt, the same size as the opening of your frame, to the Advanced Strength adhesive.
Repeat with a second piece of felt 1/2" smaller than the first piece.
Since I made the back for my frame, I used more Advanced Strength Double-Sided Sheets to cut into small strips to attach my chipboard to the back of my frame. The back of my chipboard just happened to be white and blends in nicely!
Finally, I attached a decorative mini clothespin to clip notes to my husband on, and a decorative flower using Advanced Strength Dots.
Now you can clip simple love notes or fancy ones to the love in your life.
I hope you enjoyed this project! How do you share love notes with your significant other?

My name is Samantha Taylor and I have a passion for combining crafting and creativity to beautify life. I live in a small town in rural Iowa with my husband and 2 boys (all 3 of whom you’ll see featured in my projects). I’m a paper crafting fanatic who also loves photography. I enjoy making lay outs, cards, mini albums and home decor items, party decorations, and crafting with my kids. My favorite thing about crafting is getting to connect with so many people all over the world who also love creating pretty things and preserving memories. You can find more from me at I am so excited to share with you my love for the many uses of Glue Dots®!