
Planner Flower Clip

Add a little fun to your planner with DIY planner clips! Our Creative Planner Maker, Tammy shows you how quick and easy it is to make decorative planner clips.

Made by: Tammy Santana
Level: Beginner
Time: 5 minutes

Here's what you need:

Here's what you do:

Press the gem firmly onto the Pop Up Dot and pull away from you to tranfser the adhesive from the liner to the gem.

Press a jumbo paper clip into the adhesive without touching the glue.

Adhere your flag to the adhesive and then press the flower petal to the back of the adhesive. 

Repeat the steps to make as many cute and colorful planner clips as you'd like! 

Watch the video below to see how it's done:

Wistia video thumbnail - How to Make a Decorative Planner Clip

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