I am always looking for fun and new ways for my littles to say Happy Father's Day to their Dad and grandpas. Well, this one is now my new favorite. I adore it and so will every Dad!
Designed by: Robyn
Time: 15-20 minutes
Level: Quick and Easy
Here's what you need:
- Craft Dots™
- Printer
- Scissors
- Whole punch
- Jar of Nutella®
- Picture of your child eating Nutella
- Cardstock
- Twine
Here's what you do:
Take a picture of your child enjoying some Nutella and print. Cut the picture into a square and frame it, like an old Polaroid picture, on white cardstock. Adhere with Craft Dots. *Tip: You can write a special note like "Happy Father's Day!" to the bottom, or leave it blank.
Using your computer, create a sentiment, "I love you (almost) as much as I love Nutella!" (as seen below). Be sure to size it so that it can be easily attached to your Nutella jar.
Cut out your sentiment and attach it to some red cardstock using Craft Dots, making sure that you leave just enough room to create a red border. Trim the sentiment border to the right size. Then, using a hole punch, make a hole at the top corner of the sentiment.
Using your twine, string your I love you cardstock around the top part of the Nutella jar.
~ Robyn

Hi! I’m Robyn and blog over at Create it. Go! I live in beautiful Northwest Arkansas and love being outside. I’m a mom to five fun, crazy kiddos that I love, ranging in age from 16 down to 4. And I’m a wife to a man that I love laughing wtih! I love to create. I love papercrafting, working with wood, upcycles, repuposes, and DIY’s, crafting anything in general, trying out new recipes, sewing, photography, you name it! I also like to pick up a good book and ignore those dishes and laundry that never seem to go away. haha My life is never boring and can almost always use some re-balancing and simplifying. It’s not perfect, but I love it!